Group Clips

If I’m being totally honest, group photos are not my favourite part of a wedding. I understand why people want them, but I personally don’t feel they capture the true essence of the occasion. I’m always thrilled when a couple say they don’t want any group photos at all. It means I’ve got more time to concentrate on capturing those more candid moments.

I have photographed weddings where there has been three A4 pages of specific group photos. It really can interrupt the flow of the day, leaving some brides quite stressed. When group photos are requested, I like to keep the business fairly short. I ask for a list of photos in advance of the day and also request that a copy be given to the best man or chief bridesmaid or someone who is good at rallying people together. It means I can get on with the task of taking the photos while someone else rounds up the next group so that they are ready when it’s their turn. It really does help to speed things up.

When it comes to group photos, I always like to know where we’ll be doing them before we start. This normally involves me walking round the venue and it’s grounds in the morning to find a suitable spot.

Group photos can be as serious or as silly as you like. Personally, I like to keep things quite informal, but I’m always led by the couple and what they prefer.