21st Birthday Party!

Germaine booked me for four hours to photograph her son’s 21st birthday party, held at Boddington Manor. The theme for the party was ‘Heaven & Hell’. On arrival, guests walked through the pearly white doors of ‘heaven’ before the gates of ‘hell’ were opened an hour or so later. There, they enjoyed a three course meal in spectacular scenery. My brief was to capture all the fun as it unfolded. No formal shots as such, except a few family ones at the beginning of the evening. When I left at 10.30pm, I got the impression the party was just getting started! Below is a small selection of shots from the one hundred and seventy one the family received.

If you are holding an event and would like it professionally photographed then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you.