Cooper, Edie, Eddie & Luna

Jessica booked me for a 60 minute shoot with herself and her four rescue dogs. We met early on Sunday morning in Pittville Park, while it was still fairly quiet. It was saddening to hear the back stories about the dogs. I always find these animals so good natured, it’s difficult to understand the neglect people can inflict on them.

We had our work cut out getting the images that Jessica wanted. When one ran off in one direction, you could guarantee the others would run off the opposite way! It was great fun though, as always, and by the end of the shoot, we had all the combinations of dogs that Jessica had wanted. Below are just a small selection from the 45 images that Jessica received.

If you have a dog or other pet that you would like photographed then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to All pictures are included in the price of the shoot. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you. Thanks.