Baby Kyle's Newborn Photo Shoot

The Mousehole has been open for three months now and last weekend enjoyed its first newborn photography shoot. The booking only came in with a few days notice so I spent a manic few days busily sourcing new and interesting props, bunting and support pillows and making a bespoke wallpaper strip feature. 

Baby Kyle was 7 weeks old when he came in to the studio, and despite his low birth weight was up to a healthy 8lb. 

Shelly, Kyle's Mummy, had booked a half hour shoot but I gave her almost an hour; with a newborn there is a lot of stopping, moving of props, adjusting, re-positing, gently manoeuvring baby etc so actual photo time can be quite minimal. Giving her the extra half hour meant there was also time for some family pictures too, which was also important for Shelly to have.

Here's a quick peek at some of the pics. The full collection can be found at