Pip & Jim's Baptism

The church of St Philip & St James sits in the heart of the Leckhampton community. It is also very special to us now that Jenson, our eldest, has started in reception at St Philip & St James' Primary School.

As a family, we often attend the family friendly service, which is held on the first of every month. It's always such a delight to see the children, (and all their noises!) so warmly welcomed. 

I've got to know Nick Davies, the vicar, very well over the past few years, having previously taken professional photographs of Harvest and Pentecost, not to mention the epic Bubble & Squeak book challenge! 

Last Sunday Nick asked if I could pop along to the family service to take some new photos for him, in particular of the children and the three baptisms that were taking place during the service too! I was joined by Mr Mouse and our two baby squeakers and had lots of fun capturing these shots, with Miss Mouse climbing all over me for the duration!