Theo and Albie

I was booked by Theo and Albie’s Dad, Tim, for a 90 minute photo shoot to capture some natural pictures of the grandparents with the two children. Both sets of grandparents live in the States and were over in England visiting for a month.

We began with a few formal family photos before letting the children get on and do what they do best - play! Big brother Theo was keen to show me how he catches damsel flies while his baby brother Albie giggled away as the long grasses tickled his feet! Their Mum helped raise a few smiles with her impressive range of farm animal noises!! Sadly my photos can’t record noise because they’d have had you in stitches almost as much as the rest of us!! The photo shoot was performed in their back garden. Here are a few of my favourite shots.

If you would like to book something similar then I'd love to hear from you. Either give me a call on 07983 465414 or get in touch using the form on my contact page.

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Joint 170th Celebrations!!

This two hour on location family photo shoot from took place at the Cotswold Water Park where the family were renting a house. They were celebrating a joint 40th, 60th and 70th. We started with a few formal family photos in the garden then headed over to the playground before rounding it off with a biking session and cake! Here are a few of my favourites.

Ironically, it was the same house I went to a few years ago for another family shoot! Click here to see the photos from that shoot.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks.

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