Heritage Recording

I do a lot of photography for St Philip and St James’ Church in Leckhampton, Cheltenham. To view some of my previous work for this Church click here and scroll down the page. On this occasion I was hired for two hours to do some heritage recording. Next year the Church is to undergo a multi million pound reordering process - the interior is being pulled out and given a major, modern day facelift. Stackable chairs will replace the pews and glass pods will be inserted and used for meeting rooms etc. It will create a more useable, adaptable space. Click here to see the exciting new plans.

The photo list was lengthy and included the documentation of one hundred pew ends, that’s two hundred in total! Fair to say I haven’t included them all in this blog as they would likely crash the website, but each one was stunning.

It was a fascinating glimpse into parts of the Church I’ve never had the privilege of seeing before. The Columbarium, in the basement, was truly magical.

If you run a charity and need some professional photos taking then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to info@mouseabouttown.co.uk. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I reduce my fees significantly for charity work and in some cases don’t apply a charge at all. Thanks.

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