Ava, Ariana & Amaya

I've done so many photo shoots in Pittville Park recently it feels like I've spent half of June there! In all seriousness though, it is such a super place for family portraits I can understand why so many of my client's request it. Eve and her family were no different.

I've worked with Eve before when she ran her own local baby business in Cheltenham, so when she got in touch with me again to ask me to do her family pictures I was really looking forward to catching up with her to see how she was doing. Turns out life has been very busy. As well as starting a new venture with her husband, they've also had twin girls. All three daughters were full of energy and the two young ones just loved running off in different directions!! Always fun!!

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or give me a call on 07983 465414. I'd love to hear from you!

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