Edward & Matthew

I've photographed these two lovely lads before - they popped into my Cheltenham studio when Matthew was just 5 weeks old! Click here to view the pics from that shoot.

Fast forward 9 months and we're in April. Matthew is sitting up and is almost on the go! It was great to catch up with the boys again as well as Lisa, their Mum. Edward and Matthew had a lovely time exploring the garden. Edward got to plant a sunflower seed and I'm told by his Mum that it's now taking pride of place on their window sill! He was also fascinated by the tadpoles in our barrel pond and pointed enthusiastically whenever he spotted one swim by!

There were also cuddles in the wheelbarrow, mini tractor rides, sand pit shenanigans, hide and seek in the caravan and even an encounter with resident dog, Remy!