Ren's Christening

A few weeks ago lovely Ren was christened at St Peter’s Church in Leckhampton. I’ve done a few weddings and baptisms here and I must say, the vicar is one of the friendliest I’ve had the pleasure to meet. It’s so nice when I’m given a free reign to wander down the side passages and up the aisle, which isn’t always the case. There have been many times when the vicar has asked I stay at the back. I do understand these services have great religious significance but at the same time it’s rather disappointing for the families, who have paid a significant sum of money for me to be there to document the occasion.

Still, I’m pleased to say that on this occasion I had access to all areas and what a lovely service it was. Ren, who just wouldn’t sit still, brought a smile to everyone’s faces. It was delightful to watch her mooch around the Church, completely oblivious to what was going on. There were some very poignant readings by close family members after which Mum managed to catch little Ren for the all important bit of having the water splashed over her head.

Below is just a small selection of images. As with all my shoots, all pictures are included in the price. This particular family received ninety images, all of which they were very pleased with. Check out my review page to read about their experience with me. Click here.

If you would like to book something similar then please get in touch using my contact page or send an email to All pictures are included in the price of the shoot. Alternatively, give me a call on 07983 465414.  I'd love to hear from you. Thanks. 

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